Social event/Conference dinner
Join us on an exciting "Hans Christian Andersen on the River" tour on Odense Å (River) from centre of Odense to Fruens Bøge and back again.
Conference dinner will be held at 19.00 at Restaurant Nordatlanten, Nordatlantisk Promenade 1, Odense C (at the Harbour).
Tour and Conference dinner is included in the "Conference Fee"
The event will start at 17.00 (sharp) and return again at 18.00
There will be Bus transfer from Videnbyen to "Odense Åfart" at 16.20.
In order for the event to start on time, it's important that the Bus can leave on time, so please "hurry up" :-)
Please observe, that the Bus will not return to Videnbyen after the event (It's only a "one-Way ticket!)